Sunday, 5 October 2014

ALECTOR project starts the HERISCOUT eCourse STUDY

Project ALECTOR starts from the November 2014 the HERISCOUT eCourse STUDY, the training activity. 

The ENPI CBC BLACK SEA JOP PROJECT ALECTOR ( MIS ECT 2617) is dedicated to promote cultural values for development, enhance environmental conscience and behavioural patterns, to mitigate the protection-use conflict and improve the attractiveness of the Black Sea regions in support of socio-economic development contributing to the EU and cooperating countries according to the 2020 priorities for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Art and culture have not only a key cultural and social value, but also an undeniable economic impact. Indeed, it is a fact that the cultural sector represents a productive branch that is growing in importance. The cultural factor, strongly associated with heritage tourism, is frequently used as a key element for regional and/or economic development. However in the new globalized economy cultural values are resource inherent and often hidden or ignored. They directly depend on the capacity of people to interpret and use them for public benefit. It is urgently needed to cope supply (cultural values) and demand (cultural consumption) via novel skills. HERISCOUT aims to create a participatory knowledge platform by addressing different target publics at BLACK SEA level and thus promote heritage entrepreneurship; in addition it aims to build the basis for the certification of individuals with increased capacities to meet the goals of the New Lisbon Agenda.

The e Class HERISCOUT is a Distance and e-Learning Course, especially designed to meet needs and requirements with the framework of the BLACK SEA CBC JOP Project ALECTOR ( MIS ECT 2617), and create a space, where learning becomes an easy task, a quick to complete procedure, e.g. an enjoyable experience with effective, permanent results. Assisting the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities, the Curriculum will optimize understanding and the further development of long-term-memory-input. HERISCOUT will further provide professionals with a methodological framework for interpretive planning: attachment of meanings to symbols of bearing structures through a net of information properly distilled into the language and everyday life of the visitor, make cultural resources accessible and relevant to a wide public, enabling significant places and items to obtain heritage value and visitors to acquire memorable quality experiences.

The activity by the eCourse consists of 5 modules.

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