has participated the International Conference
“Frontiers in Environmental and Water Management
of the ENPI CBC JOP Project 2007-2014
The International Conference
The conference is organized by Eastern
Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology (EMaTTECH) and the Center
for Research and Education on Water Resources (C.R.E.W.) under the
project ” Utilizing Stream Waters in the Suppression of Forest Fires
with the Help of New Technologies ” with the acronym
“Streams-2-SUPPRESS-Fires” that is funded under the EU INTERREG IV
“Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013” framework. The
Conference has focus on current developments in environmental and water
management with an emphasis on innovation and new technologies to
enhance its effectiveness and efficiency.
More information can be obtained at the Conference Website:
More information can be obtained at the Conference Website:
The Academic Community
The Conference has taken place at the Imaret Hotel in Kavala, Greece from the 19th to the 21st
of March.The International conference has attracted an international
scientific audience from Europe, Asia and the Americas and concluded on
the 21st of March with 80 scientific contributions and case
studies from the international experience. The Conference’s scientific
contributions will be compiled and Conference Proceedings entailing the
full paper versions with be released shortly.
Fig. 1-2: The International Academic Community at the MIS-ETC 2666 STREAMS-2-SUPPRESS –FIRES

The ALECTOR project has actively
participated the Conference represented by Mr. Argyrios Patakakis,
President of Drama Development SA, Dr. Nikolaos Thomaidis, tourism
cultural planner and communication officer and Dr. Dorothea
Papathanasiou, external expert for cultural heritage and communication.
Fig.4: Dr. Nikolaos
Thomaidis, tourism cultural planner and communication officer of the

Scientific Contribution
Dr. Dorothea Papathanasiou and Dr. Nikolaos Thomadis have contributed to the Conference Proceeding with the research paper:
“A water value-driven interpretation of regional heritage:
An application multi-mix for heritage tourists in Drama, Greece
An application multi-mix for heritage tourists in Drama, Greece
The paper introduces the new cultural
heritage infrastructure introduced in the Black Sea Basin, under the
umbrella of MIS 2617/ENPI CBC Project ALECTOR. It presents the cultural
communication concept of the 3-component Open Street Museum (OSM) to be
operated in seven countries (GR, RO, BG, MO, UA, GE, TR). Conference
participants are introduced to the QRC-driven portable exhibition with
100 cultural heritage narratives, accessible via QRCs in the territory,
the e-Book for iOs and Android users, and the highly advanced
multivision production, to support contextual co-creation and
participatory learning, as envisaged by ALECTOR.
Conference participants have been given
examples for a cognitive driven communication pattern has been developed
by the Project ALECTOR to adapt to the conditions regulating the
recreational learning environment. The design presupposes a limited
working memory capacity to deal with visual, auditory and verbal
material, and an almost unlimited long-term memory, able to hold mental
representations that vary in their degree of automation. It considers
working memory constraints, element interactivity and 3 types of
cognitive loads.
Presentation Of The Greek Pilot Project
Dr. Dorothea Papathanasiou has presented
the Greek Pilot Project, which will be implemented in will be
implemented in Drama, Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. It is
about a water value-driven interpretation concept supporting the
understanding how water is inextricably linked with socio-economic
activity of the area, connected with the rise of the tobacco industry
Fig.5-6: Dr. Dorothea
Papathanasiou, heritage and communication expert of the ENPI CBC BS
presenting the Greek Pilot Project. 21.03.2015, Imaret Conference Hall,
Kavala, Greece

The Pilot Project includes 10
geo-locations related to the development of the tobacco industry and the
resulting welfare expressed through a series of monuments that include
gardens, mills, ware houses, mansions, theaters and educational
institutions. The interpretation of this particular water culture
enables visitors to gain insight and understanding about the reasons for
conservation and ongoing protection through the communication of
regional heritage.
Experience Exchange And Networking
The International Conference has
provided an active forum for meeting scientists, decision makers and
stakeholders that will promote the cooperation in natural heritage
management, environmental and water research among countries from the
Black Sea Basin,the Mediterranean Basin, Europe and worldwide.
In a series of discussions with
Conference participants, the academic Community and ENPI CBC Black Sea
Project Partners, Dr. Nikolaos Thomaidis and Dr. Dorothea Papathanasiou
were given the opportunity to exchange views and experiences ranging
from project management and financial issues to cultural heritage and
natural management topics.
Dr. Nikolaos Thomaidis and Dr. Dorothea
Papathanasiou have further introduced the ALECTOR Project to
representatives from the Black Sea Basin countries in an effort to raise
the awareness of multilevel actors to the Project’s innovation and
attract participants fro the forthcoming Project Conference in Istanbul,
Turkey in December 2015.
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